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How to Get Things Done in Government
ebook on kindle only $3.99

Learn the most effective ways of getting things done in Washington DC:  How to become an effective lobbyist and what pitfalls to avoid; How to introduce legislation and litigate to enforce it once enacted; How a one man publicity campaign created a government agency and started the Tea Party Movement!

Creation of a Minority Group
Read the book that created the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

“LOVE your book. So well written!!!!  This isn't just for people interested in trucking. Everyone can benefit from this.”—Kenny Morse “Mr. Traffic, Driving Instructor to the Stars,” CBS Radio, Los Angeles

Pictures from Baikonur
Pictures from Baikonur
brings to life American weapons of mass destruction programs and overflights of Russia and China in the 1950's.

So You Want to Drive a Truck
See highlights of the trucking videos that started it all in 1992

“It is my understanding that Mr. Trescott is interested in the position of FMCSA Administrator.  Upon reviewing his resume, I believe you will agree with my analysis that Mr. Trescott has unique qualifications.”—  Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, United States House of Representatives, Washington DC.

“We've had a lot of Ph.D.’s on the show that weren't as clear and articulate as this truck driver.”—Denton Randall, WHAS, Louisville

See excerpts of Trescott's appearance on Texas Tales

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Pocket Cruiser DVD Now available on DVD!   The first video ever endorsed by Practical Sailor Magazine— How to Equip a Trailer-Sailer for Serious Ocean Cruising by William B. Trescott, the first sailor to cross the canals of England and Ireland on a transatlantic passage.   See how you too can cross oceans on a budget.   "The trepidant beginner will find this video reassuring"—Dan Spurr.

Tells the story of corruption in America's courts that caused more COVID deaths than any other nation and provoked the worst attack on Jews in American history

safety truck

Highlights by William B. Trescott:

    Remember the "Jews will not replace us" protest in Charlottesville Virginia after five Catholic and three Jewish Justices on the Supreme Court overruled the Protestant jury that convicted their Governor of receiving $175,000 in gifts? Remember the "worst attack on Jews in American history" in a synagogue near Pittsburgh on the tenth anniversary of Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens' conviction for failing to report $60,000 in gifts? Do you remember the west Texas trucker who hijacked a mail truck and shot seven people as well as himself on the second anniversary of the retirement of one of the judges involved? News programs did not tell you these "racist attacks" were actually reprisals for a much larger number of preventable deaths.

    An additional 3800 truckers, 9670 motorists, and 2280 pedestrians and cyclists were killed on the highways from 2009 to 2022 after tracking devices intended to improve productivity required unskilled truck drivers to race against the clock, violating speed limits whenever delayed by weather or traffic!

    When courts do certain things on certain dates such as the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals' "Halloween" decision legalizing monitoring of citizens with tracking devices, or the 9th Circuit's "Good Friday" mandate robbing truckers of their right to stop when tired in reprisal for gunning down eleven Jews near Pittsburgh, or the Senate Commerce Committee Chairman's conviction on my birthday, it is certain that someone in the courthouse is trying to send a message—especially when politically connected judges defy Constitutional mandates that "courts make certain that professional judgment in fact was exercised."

    The Supreme Court also plays this game!

    Just as terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 because the emergency number "911" is important to New Yorkers, the Supreme Court denied my petition to legalize modern intermodal vehicles on 10/4/2010 and my petition to restore truckers' meal and rest breaks on 10/4/2021 because "10-4" is a number significant to truckers—meaning "yes" in CB radio jargon.

    I wrote the Clerk, Mr. Harris, requesting an explanation, but received no response!

    Truckers can forgive a lot of things, but not drunk driving. As billboard lawyers charged extravagant fees to compensate victims of crashes that would never have occurred if modern intermodal vehicles were legal, President Trump appointed a lawyer twice convicted of drunk driving to head the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in violation of  The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, which required him to nominate “an individual with professional experience in motor carrier safety.” The impostor could not have gotten a job driving a delivery van, much less met the minimum standard for employment in the motor carrier safety profession—an above average safety record driving 18 wheelers. 

    To truckers, lawyers are kooks who beat obsolete trucks with sledgehammers on TV!

    In animus against truckers over the death of his first wife and daughter, President Biden nominated one impostor after another, causing the deaths of more than two thousand truckers in 2021 and 2022—a thirty-six year high not seen since the Carter Administration required defective anti-lock brakes in the 1970's. As truckers voted with their feet to escape dangerous working conditions, the impostors set up a program to train teenagers to replace us, increasing multi-vehicle trucker fatalities 34% in just one year—a forty year high!

    There is only one possible motive for an unskilled person to impersonate a safety professional:  to profit from death and injury of innocent people!

      Blowing the whistle after 15 years as executive director, chief safety officer, and assistant administrator, Jack Van Steenburg said, “In my last two terms, we went through nine different administrators...When they’re out the door almost as soon as they get to a point where they understand what’s going on, it’s very difficult to get things done." My Congressman Troy Nehls forced the last impostor to resign when Congress scheduled a hearing exactly one month after my new petition to restore meal and rest breaks was due to legalize my Smart Card System because she was allegedly offering to deny my petition in exchange for campaign donations.

     Thinking no one would notice, on Christmas morning she announced an extended comment period and resigned a few weeks later along with the so-called Chief Safety Officer !

    They were able to get away with this because in 2006 President Bush appointed his Assistant Brett Kavanaugh to sit on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. On April 26th 2006, four students of Taylor University, a small evangelical Christian college, were killed by an overworked trucker who allegedly fell asleep at the wheel. In response to sensational media outrage after a student so horrifically crushed she was unrecognizable was buried in the wrong grave while another was nursed back to health by the dead girl's parents, Bush appointed an alumnus of Taylor University to head the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in violation of  The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. When the impostor, a size and weight enforcement officer, refused to allow truckers to have modern safety features that add weight to the vehicle such as stronger roofs and crash absorbent bumpers, Bush's former assistant dismissed my litigation to legalize them, then denied my appeal even though judges are not allowed to hear appeals of their own decisions.

    As a reward for covering up his own violation of The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, President Trump appointed Justice Kavanaugh to The Supreme Court!

    In a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the American Trucking Associations and Owner Operator Independent Driver Association agreed that fatal injuries to truckers could be reduced 23% if cab structural integrity was improved sufficiently to prevent crushing in rollovers. When the former Ralph Nader organization Public Citizen brought a case to prevent truckers from being overworked, the former assistant ordered our pleadings to be edited to half the length of those of our employers. When I filed a motion accusing him of bias, he was replaced by Janice R. Brown, a former assistant of a governor who had collaborated with him in dismissing the "10-4" intermodal vehicles case.

    Nicknamed "The Diva" because she had famously hired a convicted bank robber to serve as her clerk as revealed on the news program 60 Minutes, Brown ruled that truckers lack standing to challenge a trucking regulation!  

    Judges are supposed to be assigned to cases randomly so that a politically connected judge cannot impose a politically favorable decision by denying due process. Because the chances of each of the DC Circuit's fourteen judges sitting on a particular three judge panel were one in five, the odds of President Bush’s former assistant being assigned to three consecutive panels along with a former assistant of a governor are less than one percent.

    It is 99% certain that these politically connected judges were assigned to our truck safety cases in a non-random manner.

    The FBI investigated several House and Senate committee chairmen to determine why a bill I wrote, Presidential Candidate Ron Paul’s 'Safer Truck Act', never received a hearing. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens was convicted of failing to report gifts after confirming the impostor from Taylor University without a hearing. The chairman not convicted, Presidential Candidate John McCain, owned a trucking company that distributed beer. The Chairman of the House Transportation Committee agreed to retire after failing to report owning stock in a truck manufacturer.

    Both of their companies would have gone out of business if modern intermodal vehicles were legal.

    Charges against Stevens were abruptly dropped after I filed a complaint with the FBI alleging that a dozen truckers killed in Texas had a greater than 50-50 probability of being victims of wrongful death. The chief of the section that processed my complaint resigned from the FBI a month later. Before he could be questioned, the convicted Commerce Committee Chairman died in a mysterious plane crash—not unlike the Presidents of Poland, Rwanda, Panama, Pakistan and most recently Putin's mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin when they knew too much. The Attorney General who dismissed the charges was held in contempt of Congress in an unrelated cover up.

Bridge to Nowhere     In consolation, the "bridge to nowhere" that Stevens was advocating was built, not in Alaska, but a mile from my house—resembling a giant roller coaster for cars!

    The Tea Party Movement gets its name from a trucker strike that shut down the nation's highways on the 200th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party in 1973. On the 242nd anniversary of the Boston Tea Party in 2015, a lawyer appointed by President Obama required trucks to be equipped with tracking devices. This meant that prototypes of intermodal vehicles with modern safety features could be tracked and searched without search warrants—effectively banning research and development because no means were provided to protect our trade secrets. The Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association filed the "Halloween" case the very next day.

    The "Halloween" decision  provoked extremists because it legalized the use of cell phones to track their movements.

    Three weeks later on January 7th 2016, I filed a Motion To Intervene by right in the "Halloween" case claiming that Obama's lawyer lacked the right to impersonate a safety professional because he had not been confirmed by the Senate. A week later on January 14th 2016, an acting chief judge dismissed complaints of judicial misconduct I filed claiming the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit turned a blind eye to the impersonations after the Chief Judge covered up Justice Kavanaugh's non random panel assignments.

    The Senate Commerce Committee announced a confirmation hearing for the unqualified lawyer on the same day! 

    A week later on January 20th 2016, The Judicial Council of the DC Circuit refused to release the acting chief judge’s opinion until ten minutes after the hearing. Not coincidentally, the impostor filed an Opposition to my Motion to Intervene a few hours later which the court illegally granted despite the fact that I filed Comments before the Agency and a Petition to Reconsider which was withdrawn to establish my statutory right. On March 15th 2016, the Judicial Council of the DC Circuit upheld the opinion of the acting chief judge. 

    As a reward for covering up his violations of The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, President Obama nominated the Chief Judge who recused himself to The Supreme Court the very next day!

    The overly coincidental coordination of the Judicial Council, the Senate Commerce Committee, the President, and The Department of Justice could not have been achieved without corrupt ex-parte communication contrary to the principle of Constitutional separation of powers. After leaving office, the alumnus from Taylor University blew the whistle claiming “political people tell the appointed people what they’re going to do.”

    Chief Judge Merrick Garland's nomination was stopped at my request, leaving only eight Justices on the Supreme Court!

    After all of the Protestants resigned due to apparent corruption in the Citizens United case legalizing unlimited campaign spending, on June 6th 2016, the anniversary of D-Day, the eight remaining Justices, three Jewish, five Catholic, denied my petition alleging corruption in the "Halloween" case. Three weeks later, on June 27th 2016, they overruled the decision of a majority Protestant jury convicting the former Governor of Virginia of receiving $175,000 in gifts—legalizing the corruption! 

   Justices Thomas and Alito were accused of failing to report similar gifts.

   While a senator in Illinois, Barak Obama collaborated with convicted Governor George Ryan to ban capital punishment. Ryan received six years in prison for causing the deaths of several children after issuing commercial driver’s licenses to unqualified truck drivers in exchange for campaign donations. Violating his pledge not to appoint lobbyists to head government agencies, Obama appointed the President of The Maryland Motor Truck Association to be his Motor Carrier Safety Administrator even though as the State of Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administrator she regularly issued licenses to unqualified truck drivers lacking the years of experience needed to safely drive eighteen wheelers. Trump's lawyer did the same when he was Chairman of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and Commissioner of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.

    None of the impostors had ever driven a truck for a living, much less had experience designing trucks and testing safety devices as required by The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act!

    It is difficult to imagine how the head of Maryland’s driver’s license office could have become president of Maryland’s trucking association without granting special favors like Governor Ryan did when he was head of Illinois’ driver’s license office. The president of a trucking association would normally be the owner of a successful trucking company—not a driver’s license office. According to the University of Michigan Transportation Institute, Maryland reported only one truck crash after she took over, making members of her Maryland Motor Truck Association appear safer than trucking companies based in other states. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that trucks drove one third more miles after she took over than was published previously. Obviously, if crashes are under-reported and miles driven are exaggerated, an impostor with no apparent qualifications can appear to improve safety. 

    See m y recently updated truck fatalities chart!

    As a result of this corruption, modern intermodal vehicles remain illegal and a sober motorist is now twice as likely to be killed by a heavy truck as by a drunk driver. Although the first prototype unibody truck was built by General Motors prior to the first trucker strike in 1973, to protect themselves from unqualified truck drivers, motorists purchased 160% more gas guzzling SUV's with bumpers the same height as truck bumpers in 2002 than they did during the last trucker strike in 1994. As pickups and SUV's continued to get larger and heavier, healthy sports such as bicycling and jogging became increasingly dangerous. Instead of broken bones tumbling over the roof when struck, pedestrians and cyclists were fatally accelerated, crushed underneath these taller vehicles. High gas prices resulting from a shortage of refinery capacity caused by these gas guzzlers triggered the 2008 recession by popping the housing bubble in outlying suburbs that were no longer economical to commute to.  

    On December 9th 2009, Judges Garland, Brown, and Kavanaugh upheld the ban on modern intermodal vehicles citing Taxpayers Watchdog v. Stanley i.e. that steps to prevent almost a million COVID deaths after the H5N1 Bird Flu scare were a waste of taxpayers money.

    When motorists switched to Diesel powered pickups to get better fuel economy, the price of Diesel fuel spiked to more than $4 per gallon, doubling the cost of shipping freight by truck. Efficiency improvements in container ships, such as steam turbines that generate additional power using waste heat from their engines, made it cheaper for big box retailers to import goods from China than to ship them across the United States—destroying American manufacturing and forcing small business retailers into bankruptcy.

    Dependence on big box retailers for food delivery prevented state and local governments from shutting down highways to stop the spread of COVID-19, causing a million preventable deaths more than any other nation in the world! 

    Even without the cost of COVID, the Government Accountability Office estimated that the pollution, accident, and congestion costs of trucks are six times that of trains. According to a study by the Federal Railroad Administration, intermodalism is up to five times more fuel efficient than trucking, reducing global warming 50-80%. Even on short trips, ships and trains are twice as efficient as trucks, emitting half as much pollution.  If either Presidential Candidate Ron Paul’s 'Safer Truck Act' or my related litigation had received a fair hearing, intermodal vehicles could have prevented a million COVID deaths by shipping goods by rail or waterways rather than three million unskilled truck drivers criss-crossing the country spreading deadly disease. In 1918, the far more lethal Spanish Flu was defeated using only ordinary industrial safety methods such as running steam locomotives in reverse and leaving rail cars overnight before being unloaded to prevent train crews from coming into contact with local residents—without dangerous medical treatments or vaccines.

    Though most airlines shut down, the trucking industry continued to spread coronavirus to food processing plants, causing a food shortage and shipping crisis as truckers voted with their feet to escape dangerous working conditions. Farmers were forced to throw away unsold produce.

    The main benefit of intermodal vehicles is actually not safety or efficiency, but their ability to pickup and deliver freight absolutely anywhere without a loading dock. Eighteen wheelers carry their cargo high above the ground, making them dangerous for farmers and other small businessmen to load and unload. If intermodal vehicles replaced long haul trucks, entrepreneurs could compete on a level playing field with giant corporations and farmers could sell food directly to consumers over the internet at half supermarket prices.

    Biden's Secretary of Transportation decided to go on "maternity leave" while a million Americans were being killed!

    Inner city neighborhoods are like third world countries with vast numbers of unemployed youth that could be put to work if they had access to transportation. Half of all trips are shopping trips. If people could buy directly from home industries and do most of their shopping at home over the internet, there would be lower prices, fewer car crashes, less pollution, less highway congestion, lower insurance rates, and cars would last longer. Is it any surprise that the trucking, oil, auto, food, insurance, and retail industries are all against it? Instead, President Biden proposed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill to repair damage caused by obsolete eighteen wheelers that would not have occurred if modern trucks were legal.

    Of the three judges who banned safer trucks, two were appointed to the Supreme Court while the other descended from the bench without senior status.

    If intermodal vehicles were allowed to deliver freight a mere five miles around industrial areas, demand for rail transportation would dramatically increase and track electrification would become economical—further reducing noise and pollution. Like most nations, the US has a surplus of nighttime generating capacity that could be used to power trains. A trucker with a modern intermodal truck that traveled less than five miles could use plug in power and never buy a drop of Diesel fuel again. This is why a United States Senator was convicted of receiving gifts from an oil company.

    On January 20th 2021, President Biden covered up the non-random panel assignments on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals by appointing the Chief Judge responsible to be his Attorney General sentencing the trucker who retaliated to death as a political prisoner. If the Supreme Court had granted my petition to restore truckers' meal and rest breaks, he would have had to resign.

     How much does our obsolete long haul trucking industry cost taxpayers?  According to the Government Accountability Office, unrecovered pollution, accident, and congestion costs of trucks have been exceeding 112 billion dollars per year since 2007—that's one and a half trillion dollars! On September 22nd, 2022, the Senate confirmed one of President Biden's impostors in a so-called "voice vote," continuing the ban on research and development and costing thousands of additional lives.